Help a poor friend.... :D (missing SSL symbols)

What macOS platform are you trying to do this on? Intel (x64) or Apple Silicon (arm64)?

Rosetta (under silicon): so x64

I don’t have Rosetta installed, but I just built Rack on Apple Silicon in iTerm/Homebrew successfully after installing all dependencies per the VCV manual.

I would not worry about Rosetta right now and just to build Rack on arm64 to start with. It does work.

If you run into issues, post the error and we can try to troubleshoot.

I switched to full M1 mode (arm64)


ok I have it (on arm64), both Rack and nysthi (and ihtsyn)
I was unable to recompile for x86_64 (mac intel)

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I think in order to build under Rosetta2 you need to have Homebrew for x64 installed in addition to the native Homebrew. Ah yes, here it is:

Remember to clean everything before switching architectures :slight_smile:

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yeaaaaaaaahhhhh Nysthi is alive!!


I have a full rosetta 2 environment, but I’m getting some bad results during the make dep phase.

but I think I’ll never recompile anymore for mac intel

If you need an arm64 tester, then drop the build somewhere and I will have a go

Your modules are the only thing that is missing and keeps me from switching to arm64 Rack completely


asap :wink:

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i can also test Arm64

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@joopvanderlinden @fractalgee

here the first nysthi arm64 plugin

Remember this is just a port 1 to 1 of the 2.1.19, so all the reported bug are still there

working on OSX 11.7.8
using XCode 13.2.1


Weeeee! Bentornatooo! :smiley:

Sorry I cannot help you apart a friendly pat on the back! I hope you have been safe and well in these crazy months and nothing bad happened to you and your beloved ones!

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Got it, so far so good on MacOS 13.5.1 M1. Feedback by end of day

VCV Rack Free 2.4.1 local build Monterey 12.2

[0.918 info src/plugin.cpp:130 loadPlugin] Loading plugin from /Users/davephillips/src/Rack-2.4-arm64/plugins/NYSTHI
[0.919 warn src/plugin.cpp:196 loadPlugin] Could not load plugin /Users/davephillips/src/Rack-2.4-arm64/plugins/NYSTHI: Failed to load library /Users/davephillips/src/Rack-2.4-arm64/plugins/NYSTHI/plugin.dylib: dlopen(/Users/davephillips/src/Rack-2.4-arm64/plugins/NYSTHI/plugin.dylib, 0x0006): Library not loaded: /tmp/Rack2/libRack.dylib
  Referenced from: /Users/davephillips/src/Rack-2.4-arm64/plugins/NYSTHI/plugin.dylib
  Reason: tried: '/tmp/Rack2/libRack.dylib' (no such file), '/usr/local/lib/libRack.dylib' (mach-o file, but is an incompatible architecture (have 'x86_64', need 'arm64e')), '/usr/lib/libRack.dylib' (no such file)


Hmm, works fine on 13.5.1 (Ventura) . Might be your local build that causes this. Can you try with the official 2.4.1 release?

compiled against the v2.4.1 VCVRack tag (FYI)

Got 'em ! I had to add a link for /usr/local/lib/libRack.dylib, the modules now appear in the browser in my homebuilt Rack 2.4.1 for ARM64. Will test asap. Thank you !

so far, so good, it’s Nysthying like it always did! No crashes or funny stuff yet, although I have only tested 14368 modules of the 1.3455.0988 in the set.


I’d like to add another link that helped me in solving the problem


I had a very fuxxed up brew installation mixed between arm64 and 86_64 …