First steps / make not found

hello, today i tried to step into compiling a plugin because it looks so useful. the erwin quantizer. i installed msys cloned the rack and the plugin but struggle to use the make command.

i get this message in msys and am not able to find a solution to this very basic issue.

$ make make: cc: Kommando nicht gefunden make: cc: Kommando nicht gefunden make: cc: Kommando nicht gefunden make: cc: Kommando nicht gefunden *** Could not determine architecture of . Try hacking around in Schluss.

what do i need to do to continue?

cheers, christian


thank you Andrew,
it seems that it was my mistake using the console that popped up automatically after installation. after closing it and starting it from the start-menu it seems to work, at least it is outputting lots of text for quite a while now :slight_smile:

please change your name, maybe to test2 at this point


:smiley: i believe that name was given automatically by the system due to my email adress