Eurorack Modules You Want in VCV Rack

we have this all-pass filter

the manual gives you a little bit of headache to find the correct rows to be read, but then you can save yourself a screenshot :smiley:


Thank you! I’ll have time to check it out later today, but it looks like it will do the trick. :slight_smile:

Note to VCV staff (if you’re reading): searching the library for “allpass”, “all-pass” and “all pass” turns up neither KRT’s J, nor docB’s AP. ie, Library’s ‘search’ could really use some love.



Thank you!!

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I know it’s too soon and all, but I’d love to see Befaco Oneiroi.


It’s essentially ready for user testing except for a licensing issue (OWL, which the platform is based on, is GPL-v2-or-later) and the modified version of OWL used isn’t compatible with current GLP-v3-or-later plugin. OWL copyright holder was interest to update license to GPL-v3 but this hasn’t happened yet. Alternative (if we can’t move this along) is seperate GPL-v2 plugin.

So watch this space (or better this space Befaco modules development blog - #260 by Rodney)


DPW Shape SH-1
got it second hand monhts ago, this guy’s a BEAST
could be modeled and improved with a more “modular” philosophy

I would love to have a “Jumble Henge” on my digital rack. Please Busy Circuits hear me out. :upside_down_face:

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looks simple to make in VCV Rack, just need a physical one to check its frequencies and panning

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Go for it :wink:

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seen, I bet I’m more precise guessing what time it is just looking at the sun LOL


Simplicity, clean look and compact size is what I craved for actually. Though I would be quite interested to see your implementation also :slight_smile: .

et voilà .ale47p - #16 by ale47p

Wow. Thanks so much for your time. Though I got an error that says i am missing “rackwindows/console” that does not show up in the vcv library. Can you tell me what am I missing actually?

unfortunately they have not been ported to V2 officially, so they are no longer in the library anymore

I think they are still Windows only

but my patch use it just for summing stereo channels, download this new patch

ale47p_Jumble_Henge_Inspired_Mixer.vcv (3.5 KB)


Yep, it works now. :slight_smile: Thanks again XX

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Would be good basic collection of Doepfer modules (at least these ones that was in pre-vcv “VeeSee” project). Perhaps this already can be easily replaced though, but nonetheless.

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My module Bezier, which implements most of the functionality of Random Bezier Waves, plus adds some, has just been released to VCV Library: VCV Library - Cella Bezier

Of course, you’ll need two of them to do cross-modulation, but I thought it would be more appropriate to have one generator per module.

I hope you’ll like it.


I do love it! :star_struck:

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