Economic version?

I get about the same, but the OP’s first post above shows very heavy CPU usage. Maybe their system? But, the patch uploaded is stripped down, so probably some module that was stripped is the source of the problem.

this is not the whole patch, so it is not really possible to analyze.

it wasn’t ever the whole patch. I wasn’t even 1/4 of the way done with how I initially wanted it. sill had over 11 more individual patches with individual VCO’s at their core to create. the entire idea is very very big. I’ll look into more of the solutions here.

p.s. I did like your solution best so far. its hard for me to explain most of this honestly because im “new” to modular. so my ideas get misconstrued by the “normal” things people want to do but im always trying to do weird shit it seems lol. cheers and thanks

why don’t you just post the patch as it is?
and let some experienced folks help you?
maybe it might show some other good ways to reduce the workload of your machine.

I actually only uploaded it that way so people would stop worrying about what wasn’t the issue in the first place… my idea here is TO be able to change the tempos if I feel like it later on. if I want some racks to run as 120 and some to run as 130 and others at 200 etc… but I hadn’t got there because of the cpu issue. im going to walk though and see if I can figure out what modules are causing that first

Do you know how to turn on the Rack performance meters? It should be trivial to look and see which modules are consuming the most CPU resources.

Edit: Also, what do you have your Engine Threads set to and what does that menu show as to the most threads you can select?

Being an innovator requires a lot of persistence. I would have said “patience” but, I get impatient and frustrated a lot when I am trying to do something that is off the map.

All of us are just trying to help you as you asked, but I for one am not sure which problem you want help with. I thought the problem was unacceptable CPU usage. If that is the case, you have probably stripped the source of that from the patch you posted. But, maybe I misunderstood and you actually wanted suggestions on how to make the patch less complex, as a separate question from the CPU usage.

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