Creature Cabin Challenge. (October 2024)

Love those Blade Runner-like robots!

Side-note: I’m glad you found the modules easy to use :slight_smile:

Where can we get the patch?

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I will upload it today, sorry I ran out of time. The parasite firmware, the breakout for each knob, these modules are awesome! Thanks for making them!

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I edited the post to include the patch link. I should be all legit this time. lol :smiley: Thanks for your patience!

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Cool music and cool video! Yeah, that’s a house where someone can get mad, having to turn on the lights all day and all year long. Maybe the scientist is just in Botswana or somewhere to get some sun… :thinking:

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my first entry for this month:

the patch:
2024_10_13__Creature_Cabin_rsmus7.vcv (10.2 KB)


Here’s my second entry:

Hunting Shadows

A walk through the forest, just after sunset. Pale shadows are moving over the ground. You feel increasingly uncomfortable. Who is hunting, and who is hunted?


This was a fun challenge. Here’s my creepy entry:

The patch is downloadable from hollow_monsters_ja.vcv | Patchstorage


I don’t have enough Mhz or Mbytes to record VCV Rack on video, but I can create a visualisation.

I didn’t know anything about Sanguine modules before I started so just patched, tweaked and twiddled until some noises came out.

It sounds like there are some alien monsters and cyborg mutants still in the old lab below the cabin. Don’t get too close!!!


The creatures are trying to get out!!!

I love it :smiley:

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My third patch, quite different to the first two entries:

Shoot the Monster and Run

…or fun with the Sphinx module, extensively used in the patch.


Hi, another entry for the challenge. The patch started with the idea of a feedback loop between two Anuli (out1.in2, out2.in1) plus feeding CV from Marmora to mode in on the resonators (Anuli goes glitch) Diverse modulations from Mortuus and Apices create variations.

In the neon shadows of District 17, mutations were a currency of survival. Mortuus, a rogue scientist, operated from the Patch Hut, using his cables to drain and manipulate the mutational energy of others. By day, he blended into the crowd. By night, he transformed mutants into something far beyond human.

Anuli, his latest subject, entered the bunker, his body glitching between flesh and chrome. His mutations had become unstable, pushing him to the brink of collapse.

“Hook me up,” Anuli growled, his voice barely human.

Mortuus connected the patchcable, tapping into the life force of another mutant, Etesia, across the district.

“More,” Anuli demanded, his voice distorted. “More,” Anuli gasped, his voice echoing strangely, almost like a recording played back in reverse.

As Mortuus pushed the system beyond its limits, the walls of the hut trembled. The monitor’s screen flickered. —an error code, then static, then… the faint outline of Etesia appeared, her body warping, screaming, as the feedback loop created a new kind of mutant altogether. They had crossed the line between matter and mind, between mutation and madness. The cables had become conduits not just for flesh, but for something far darker.

Mortuus smiled. This was no accident. It was exactly what he wanted.



Ahh the sound of the Mutant vats… :smiley: shame the Monsters were hiding :frowning:

Sidenotes: It’s heartwarming to see the new polyphonic features already being used :slight_smile: ; I love how the process is documented as a story :smiley:

Descent into Madness - Entry #2

He took one last look at the park, where the water tower that took her once stood, and sighed… he was no longer fit to be among them.

He snarled in disgust when he thought of their fake condolences, their hypocritical smiles… their patronizing tone, and, worst of all, their crocodile tears.

He knew, he always knew, of their envy… how they had mocked him when he showed them, proudly, “Jötnar” his sound based cooler. They knew not physics, or anything beyond their mathless, bumpkin noses, for that matter… oh… and how they eyed her: the only invention they wanted were X-Ray glasses.

When her image entered his mind, he was aware, once more, of how the world had lost its color after she was gone… how life itself had lost its meaning.

The cabin, where their love and his greatest inventions had started, was his destination. The final one.

He walked into the woods as he felt their stares in the back of his head. They no longer mattered. Nothing did.

He felt relief when the trees seemed to part way, as if welcoming him, to his resting place.

He passed The Tree… their Tree… where they carved their initials and first knew each other.

He finally caught sight of the cabin and picked up the pace. The propane tank he carried would do the job and he would be with her. Forever.

The door creaked as he opened it… darkness.

When he turned on his torch, he was unphased by what he saw: disarray, filth, a lifeless place… a reflection of his existence without her.

As he set the propane tank down, something caught his eye: one of his fantasy sketches… a scary biomechanical creature with huge talons and even bigger metallic fangs. He stopped as his mind started racing… was it possible? Could he build it? Could it make them pay?

The video:

The patch:

descent_into_madness_v4.vcv (10.3 KB)

Start the clock to trek to the cabin.

Note: you need the latest Mutants from the Library and a Monsters Nightly (to use Chronos) for this patch to work as intended, at the time of this writing.

Fun fact: the drone came from an actual nightmare I had some days ago… in the dream I saw a man standing next to a car, covering his ears, unable to do anything else: a persistent sound had him glued to the spot… a few smash cuts later (my brain likes cinema :stuck_out_tongue: ) I found that either I was the man or that I suffered the same affliction… fun stuff! :stuck_out_tongue:

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