convert 0 - 10 v to -10 and 10

well, use the CPU meters for find out which modules are cpu hogs, if you are having CPU issues.

its always like nothing, its all zero or 0.1 percent. but then i would get random huge spikes. when i removed nysthi poly rec it seemed to fix the problem. i still get random audio dropouts now and then but it doesnt seem like the cpu is being used that much. is it normal for brief dropouts to happen at like 33 percent cpu

no, that doesnā€™t sound normal. There are lots of threads on this forum about performance.

In another thread you have said youā€™re on M1 Mac.

For me on Mac, audio dropouts are always a memory issue or interface issue.

Activity Monitor: Memory: Swap Used If the value here is anything above zero, you need to free up memory.

Also in the Audio Module output in VCV, change the block size upward from the default 256kb.

My spidey senses tell me that you have the default 8mb of memory (the Apple curse). And I imagine nythsi poly rec tends to allocate a good sized chunk (poly. record. needs lots of buffer.) So thatā€™s my guess as to why deleting that module improves the dropout glitches.

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yo thank you for this comment!

iā€™m using an m1 macbook pro with 16gb ram. i wonder if iā€™m still ā€˜cursedā€™ and should have gotten more ram for my VCV usage.

ill try the other tips you suggested.