Hey @spacepluk, sorry for the late reply, I am now looking for a way to get email notifications on this thread… About this idea, I haven’t put forward yet. I have rethought that it may be more interesting to use the regular MIDI-MAP approach. The whole SysEx standardization in VCV Rack will require an immense effort without being useful. Even if it would be implemented, to use a MIDI Controller connected to Rack through SysEx, it would also be necessary to load the modules the first time. The MIDI Mapping to each parameter could also be done just once, so I don’t see why to use a new SysEx standard with one standard message per module parameter. I also saw that there were a lot of replies in this thread (also without email notifications…) 14 bit midi in 1.0?, where @stoermelder has just done an implementation of high res CC in MIDI-CAT, which is already the best midi interface module in the Rack. I will test it and as soon as it works I will gladly carry out this idea. The modules could be made to look just like the software interfaces, but maybe it would be more interesting if they could be remapped to different uses, being able to have presets on the controller to play different patches.