ConfusingSimpler: multifunction 1-button idea

1-button confusing simpler.vcv (2.1 KB)

Thanks all for the different ways to solve this. Here’s my own solution, which also came down to 4 modules for the button part, but still slightly different.

The ConfusingSimpler implementation (my patch, not the module itself) was tricky and almost feels hacky but still works for my needs. Since there is no “delete/clear” sample button on ConfusingSimpler, I used some logic so when long-pressing, simpler will be stopped and it will record while the gate is high (this will record silence, assuming there is no sound coming into the input). If the button is long-pressed while it’s already recording, it will make sure the recording is then turned off at the end of the long-press. This effectively pseudo-clears the sample if the input is quiet.

Thanks again!

or maybe you can open a feature request describing what you really want, given the current inputs: maybe we can create a special status for the module… :wink:

in the next release applying a gate of >3 secs to the record input (or pressing the tap record btn for more than 3 secs) will stop the recording, if recording, and delete the current sample

(same will be for simpliciter)


I should clarify, what feels hacky is not the module itself, but rather my own delete workaround… I know better than to complain about free modules hehe.

I actually love the ConfusingSimpler. Simpliciter is great too, especially with the expander which works on this module too. Anyway major props to the developer(s).

check new 2 4 23


:exploding_head: I am somewhat new to VCV and didn’t realize you’re actually the one actively working on the NYSTHI collection. I also didn’t know how to install plugins without going through the library, but now I do. I noticed the “delete slice” is no longer crashing the simpliciter… I’m guessing this is a fix to be included in the next release. Happy to see NYSTHI modules getting some love.

Some feedback: I think 3 seconds is a bit long, I’m thinking 1-1.5 secs should be long enough for most people, especially if they’re using this live in live settings. Thanks again for the awesome update :pray: