Clock Dividers comparison and doubts!

Just to make a point I made this :

The three Dividers on the left are the only ones working the way I expect them to work ( a gate every 5 clocks). The clock from KlirrFactory is keeping up for 64 clock but then looses it. Aridacity looses it after 16 clocks. The three Gaps modes are just weird don’t know what to think of it… Clocked itself works the other way around giving a gate first and then 4 clocks. ZZC workes strange, the first gate I get is after 6 clocks but then it goes steady with a gate every 5 clocks. The synthkit dividers do it their own way so you get the first gate at the sixth clock (should be the fifth?) then it counts on to the last step, is this smaller then the next gate (3 instead of 5) then it does not play a gate but resets itself so you get , say it would gate on the fifth , 4clocks 1 gate 3 clocks 4 clocks 1 gate etc So its basically a gate every 8 clocks shifted by 5 (6?) The other four also do something special :man_shrugging:

Here is the patch :

ClockDividers - 29092019.vcv (29.3 KB)