Chaircrusher Music Thread

Awesome! :grinning:

This is based on adding the outputs of 2 five step sequencers, running off of different clocks. This is then quantized before going to a @modlfo Vult Basal Oscillator.

So you have one sequencer – running on a 16th note clock that skips the 15th step – and the other clocked by every 3rd & 7th 16th note. The two CV outs are attenuated and added together and quantized. The clock is used from the more rapid sequencer to both sample the added voltage and trigger the envelope.

Two Hora Flux BBD Delay provide some reverb – they’re both modulated by a BPM LFO (run through an attenuator) so you get a stereo reverb/chorus kind of affect that’s really lovely. Some of the ‘reverb’ is actually in the Basal oscillator’s odd algorithm, which use a resonator as a sound generator.

Chaircrusher-5x5Flux.vcv (59.9 KB)


Another Dual Five Step extravaganza but now with 4 BogAudio FM voices. The voices FM each other in a ring – voice1 mods voice2, voice2 mods voice3, voice3 mods voice4, voice4 mods voice1. 4voiceFM5x5.vcv (135.7 KB)

A Drone piece using BogAudio FM polyphonically (and monophonically). Aside from the Sines with FM there’s some rattling sounds that’s a section of Bach’s Well-Tempered Clavier being scrambled by @synthi Nysthi Confusing Simpler.

There are such fine tricks as using a VCV Merge on the 4 voices to send polyphonic FM into the BogAudio FMVoice.

droneclav.vcv (58.5 KB)


Love the beginning with that scrambled clavier. Very nice!

I know there are people doing all sorts of really sophisticated stuff with Rack, and I seem to keep mining the same old tricks again and again. But hey, this is some drums and 2 BogAudio FM voices, and a bunch of effects. What else do you need?

The sequencing is 2 of @synthi’s Dual Five Steps again, where you clock each side independently and then sum them to get pitch data. Clocking it with rows from @jeremy’s Patterns XOR patterns gives you a rhythmic pattern that doesn’t repeat every 16 steps, and summing the two pitch outputs gives you pitch variations that also evolve and repeat outside the 16 step pattern length prison.

I’m fascinated by how this works out: you get melodically complicated patterns that span over more than a single measure, but when you can listen they seem to always repeat in a musically satisfying way.

This is a live recording, basically first take, just controlling it with a mouse. There’s some live pattern tweaking and switching presets on the Dual Five Step Sequencers.

The thing about techno is that all you really need is some drums and a sufficiently messed up sound running in the foreground. I think this does it with those 2 voices (interacting via each other’s FM input) and lashings of chewy FX.

fmtechno.vcv (96.0 KB)


molto molto gradevole! :+1:

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Tagliatelle con fegato d’oca e scoiattolo!


Have you played with adding 5 step sequencers together? I’m going to try adding 3 of them and see if I can get even crazier patterns.

What about using the Bogaudio ADDR polyphonicly? That’s a “barrell of laughs”.

Yet another exploration of using @synthi Dual Five Steps sequencers added together in order to make interesting sequences.

2019-12-04.vcv (101.1 KB)

The mechanics of combining the two halves of the Dual Five Steps is more of an all-Nysthi affair. And as is my wont, I complicate the mutual FM of the two oscillators by having the FM for each voice be the output of the other voice AFTER passing through the delay. With lashings of random modulations throughout.


OK So yeah this one is a live performance I recorded. The ambience bed was recorded in an underground tunnel in Dresden, where someone was playing the violin and someone else was skateboarding.

Patchwise I had 2 voices driven by Stellare Andromeda, and a polyphonic pad voice, plus some beats.


Nice jam. I wouldn’t be able to tell what was that intro/outro ambience without You mentioning it was someone skateboarding. Great blend of sounds and build up!

I actually lost the patch that made the last track, so I’m gonna upload this one here just to make sure I don’t accidentally disappear it. It’s what came of trying to duplicate the last track (St Nicholas). This one needs to be re-done with the the levels turned down on some stuff. There are big swells of distortion where I think it’s peaking on the master bus.

2019-12-12.vcv (114.9 KB) EDIT: Went back and re-recorded a mix with levels a bit tamer.



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I like all your stuff. Thanks for posting the patch. It was fun to see how you made that sweet bass. (And thanks for the new mix!)

Another one. Did you know today was National Drinking Straw day?

I’m trying to find interesting way to use FM to change the timbre without totally turning everything into a tonal dog’s breakfast. This has kind of a stumbly beat and the noise snare going through a ring mod makes for a strange sound – when the random pitch of the modulator goes very low, it turns into a sort of tremelo, but at high frequencies it imparts a pitch.

And the ring-mod oscillator frequency is also FM’ed by the main ‘tonal’ voice for added chaotic flavor.

2020-02-03-2.vcv (192.0 KB)

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Zulu Echo Romeo Oscar posted a video of rain playing a handpan as a challenge:

This is my response: resonantDrum.vcv (40.9 KB)


You forgot my ‘Echo’!

Sorry from Kilo Echo November Tango

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Facebook refuses to believe that ‘Zero’ is my real and legal name, so I’m forced to use an obviously fake name instead…