Cella Announcements Thread: latest version 2.0.2

Hi there, I’d like to introduce my small collection of modules released under name Cella. Current release is 2.0.1.

Bezier is a smooth random voltage generator based on Bezier curves. Heavily inspired by Random Bezier Waves / ADDAC507 module for Eurorack, which ADDAC designed in collaboration with Rijnder Kamerbeek aka Monotrail. Module consists of one curve generator with adjustable slope - from rounded to spiky. New random value is sampled at set frequency, and module extrapolates to it from current value following curve of desired properties. Module can also sample external signal, thus working as a sort of slew limiter.

Euler is a simple module that calculates rate of change of incoming signal. Specifically, it calculates angle of a slope of incoming signal, normalises it by 90 degrees and scales to -10…10V. FREQ parameter allows to adjust rise (volts) and step (seconds) to a meaningful ratio, related to general frequency of incoming signal. Module can be used to derive related control voltage, and might be fun to use in some cybernetic patching.

Modules are shared via VCV Library.

Source code is available at GitHub.

And the manual is here.

I have a few more modules on my mind, so updates to the plugin will be announced here. This thread can also be used for submitting any questions or issues you have found. Issues on GitHub are also very welcome.


thanks a lot for these, and welcome to the vcv community

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Happy to announce new 2.0.2 release of Cella plugin and addition of a new module that I’m very proud of - Rich (in the name of Buddy Rich, master of dynamics).

Rich is an expressive AD envelope generator with stepped or modulated accent. Step parameter specifies how many increments accent will have if it is triggered continuously. Positive number of steps will provide expected loud accent, while negative value will make an inverted accent that subtracts from baseline envelope level. Stepped accent levels can incrementally rise or fall, which is controlled by the button at the center of module or a gate to the input below it. If envelope is triggered and accent input equals 0V, accent value is reset.

Here’s basic visualisation of output when accent is triggered:

Cella - Rich :: Accent Chart

Importantly, Accent input accepts not only triggers, but any CV signal between 0V and 10V, and further modulates accent level, allowing for any desired accent pattern. You can use Accent input for modulating velocity of the whole envelope, simply by setting baseline to 0.

Port ACC outputs current value of the accent, but independent from ACCENT level parameter. Hence, you can set accent level to 0, and still use accent value to modulate external or internal parameters, for example decay length of Rich.

One quite helpful and unique usability feature of the module is its tolerance for delay of few samples between envelope and accent gates caused by different length of cable chains - even 1 sample delay is usually enough to cause other modules to miss the accent. Rich will register accent trigger even if it arrives up to 5 (or 10, it’s configurable) samples before or after the envelope has been triggered. Thus, you don’t have to calculate exact delay in samples and add mult’s or helper modules to ensure that accent and envelope register together. And of course, you can switch this feature off.

Here’s a demo of module’s capabilities. Jump to 1:10 see accent explanation:

I find this module very musical, and it seamlessly adds dynamics to any sequence, making it more alive. I’ve wanted to have such module in VCV for a long time, so here it is. I hope you’ll enjoy it.

It’s already available in the library: Cella - Rich


Rich is a very usefull module and you made a very nice tutorial!