Carousel with more inputs outputs

It’s working now use 2.1.7 and use Pile with the unbounded setting :smiley:

Stepsize pile is 0.625V.

Or wait for the update in Rack.

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Yes! I’ll check that tomorrow morning… Thanks for the information, and thank you for the version @computerscare :smiley:

@Yeager @alainherbuel use v2.1.10 which is the release candidate for Library:

I found/fixed a bug that would end up with the rotation not working once the voltage got into the 100s of volts.


Do you confirm the installation process. I put this file in :smiley: C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Rack2\plugins-win-x64

And the installation is done when runing VCV Rack?


Yes when you start Rack it will unpack the .vcvplugin in your userfolder. The location of your userfolder can be found here :


And then put it in plugins-win-x64.

And right clicking the module shows the version number.

I did that, but I don’t see the module in my library (when right clicking). Strange.


So the new one is not there but the old one is and it’s version 2.1.10 ?

The other day, I deleted the directory when I had problems… I can try to reinstall these modules and try again this new version. Hold on!

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What I did:

  • I deleted the directory: C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Rack2\plugins-win-x64\computerscare
  • Add the module TolyPools in the WEB library
  • Run VCV Rack
  • Checked my libray in VCV Rack
  • TolyPools was here
  • Got this module in a patch. Its version was the old one.
  • Copied the computerscare-2.1.10-win-x64.vcvplugin in C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Rack2\plugins-win-x64\
  • Run VCV Rack
  • The file is suppressed by VCV when launched
  • Have a look in my libray in VCV Rack
  • This module has desapered!


The old one is hidden but when you open an old patch it will be in the patch, but when you look in the Module browser it should be version V2 is that the case ?

If you don’t see any TolyPools in the Module Browser you F*d Up :wink:

Do this : Go to the Library

search for computerscare


Now remove the Computerscare folder from your user folder, and start Rack (when you closed rack with a computerscare module in your patch you get an error message that the module can’t be found).

Close Rack, put the computerscare-2.1.10-win-x64.vcvplugin in C\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Rack2\plugins-win-x64\ and restart rack.

Check if TolyPools is there and go back to the library and hit SUBSCRIBE ( not the individual modules but the whole plugin !)

And you’re done.

The reason you can not find the module is : when you subscribe to say just one module from a plugin with 5 modules, and the plugin adds a new module you have to subscribe to that new module in order to see it. But in this case there is no option for you to subscribe to V2 because it is not yet in the Library. That’s why you always need to subscribe to the whole plugin so that when there is a new module added it will show up in your Module Browser.

Even more, when you open the Plugin.json from the computerscare folder you will see that both Tolypools and TolyPools V2 are hidden in your case. (mine is OK)

Whaoo ! Will try that tomorrow morning. Hudge thanks for these explanations :pray:

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Good night :smiley:

Now, I have the version 2.1.10 of Poly tools! Yes :heart_eyes: Thank you so much for your help ;o)

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Thanks to @Yeager, I have the have now the version 2.1.10 of Poly tools installed on my PC!

But, I discovered something (may be interesting for you). Originally, I would like to rotate 14 signals. And when rotating, I don’t whant to have extra values inside my channels…

In my VCV file, I give you 2 examples: the first one does’nt work (for me), and the seconde one works!

Do you hae the same result? Alain, Fr Toly Pools.vcv (2.1 KB)

It all depends on what you want. The way I would use it is to rotate through the number of inputs.

So if I gave it 12 inputs I want to cycle through those 12 inputs.

I would set the outputs to A (automatic) and be done with it.

But If you want to cycle 16 inputs to 14 outputs it’s also possible.

Toly Pools Works.vcv (2.0 KB)

P.S. use Pile it’s so much better in this case.

Hi, I don’t quite understand what the desired output is for the section labeled “Doesn’t work” in your patch. Did you try the different Rotation Modes of Toly Pools in the right click menu?

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That was my comment! I’m reading your explainations (couple of weeks ago) at the moment, posted with a short video. And I didn’t remember this menu options…

Will check again in a moment with these options. I’ll tell you.

Thank you again for this new V2! Alain

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After more tests, and reading your documentation again (several things I didn’t correctly understood). My comments in the patch contained mistakes… Sorry about that.

So, in this new patch:

Case 1:

  • I have 16 inputs, I just want to use 14.
  • Option “Rotate through maximum of output, input channel”
  • Option “Output channels”: 14
  • When rotate, I have 2 lines “0 values” in the result (15 and 16 values from the source). What I misunderstood? :thinking:

Case 2:

  • I have 14 inputs, I just want to use 14.
  • Option “Output channels”: A And I have the result I would like!


Toly Pools.vcv (2.1 KB)

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Ah you want the number of output channels to determine the number of input channels to rotate through.

So if you have 1-12 input (12 channels) and you choose 4 output it only uses 1 to 4.

Right now that is not possible, what you have to do (as you found out) is lowering the number of input channels.



Would you mind using 1 extra module ?

Here the Signal manifold determines the max input/output. PolyTools set to Auto.

A clean shot :