Can't launch Rack 2 anymore


Don’t know what’s wrong.

This is what I read at the end of the log file:

*[0.006 info adapters/standalone.cpp:165 main] Initializing network*
*[0.008 info adapters/standalone.cpp:167 main] Initializing audio*
*[0.008 info src/rtaudio.cpp:243 RtAudioDriver] Creating RtAudio WASAPI driver*
*[0.043 info src/rtaudio.cpp:258 RtAudioDriver] Found RtAudio WASAPI device 0: Ligne (Yamaha NETDUETTO Driver (WDM)) (0 in, 2 out)*
*[0.135 fatal adapters/standalone.cpp:49 fatalSignalHandler] Fatal signal 22. Stack trace:*
*16:  0x0*
*15: raise 0x7ffabea5abe0*
*14: abort 0x7ffabea5f1e0*
*13: ZN9__gnu_cxx27__verbose_terminate_handlerEv 0x7ffa7061f4c0*
*12: ZN10__cxxabiv111__terminateEPFvvE 0x7ffa70615cd0*
*11: ZSt9terminatev 0x7ffa707078d0*
*10: _cxa_throw 0x7ffa70710670*
*9: ZN5RtApi5errorEN12RtAudioError4TypeE 0x7ffa70157a20*
*8: ZN11RtApiWasapi13getDeviceInfoEj 0x7ffa701638a0*
*7: ZN4rack13RtAudioDriverC1EN7RtAudio3ApiE 0x7ffa70195ec0*
*6: ZN4rack11rtaudioInitEv 0x7ffa6fcf8d10*
*5: ZN4rack11rtaudioInitEv 0x7ffa6fcf8d10*
*4: ZN4rack11rtaudioInitEv 0x7ffa6fcf8d10*
*3: ZN4rack11rtaudioInitEv 0x7ffa6fcf8d10*
*2: ZN4rack11rtaudioInitEv 0x7ffa6fcf8d10*
*1: BaseThreadInitThunk 0x7ffabf757020*
*0: RtlUserThreadStart 0x7ffac0a42630*

What’s strange is that I don’t have this Yamaha soundcard.

it is probably better for you to contact vcv support about this.

Are you trying to open a patch that was created by someone else? That would explain why you are getting errors on hardware you do not have.

If that’s the case, one way to fix it, it’s to look for the patch.json file after the crash, in the autosave folder, search for “deviceName”, that in your case should show the Yamaha sound card. If I am not mistaken, the procedure to follow is to delete that line, relaunch VCV, and see if that fixed the issue.

You could try the following to isolate the problem: If you have an external sound card, turn it “Off” and start Rack. If Rack starts, no sound card is selected in the audio module. Then close Rack and turn on the sound card again. After that Rack should start again and you can select the audio card in the audio module again. For me, the problem occurs with a single patch, and I have not been able to figure out the problem. But for me this is the workaround.Otherwise I would also recommend the vcv support.

I am neither trying to open a patcher from someone else nor having an active external soundcard.

Also, the autosave folder is empty.

I have finally found that the NetDuetto is a kind of inter-app driver I had installed ages ago but have never used. So I have uninstalled it completely but it hasn’t solved the issue. Here’s what I have now:


[0.081 info adapters/standalone.cpp:167 main] Initializing audio
[0.081 info src/rtaudio.cpp:243 RtAudioDriver] Creating RtAudio WASAPI driver
[0.256 fatal adapters/standalone.cpp:49 fatalSignalHandler] Fatal signal 22. Stack trace:
16:  0x0
15: raise 0x7ffb63a5abe0
14: abort 0x7ffb63a5f1e0
13: ZN9__gnu_cxx27__verbose_terminate_handlerEv 0x7ffb5c97f4c0
12: ZN10__cxxabiv111__terminateEPFvvE 0x7ffb5c975cd0
11: ZSt9terminatev 0x7ffb5ca678d0
10: _cxa_throw 0x7ffb5ca70670
9: ZN5RtApi5errorEN12RtAudioError4TypeE 0x7ffb12d57a20
8: ZN11RtApiWasapi13getDeviceInfoEj 0x7ffb12d638a0
7: ZN4rack13RtAudioDriverC1EN7RtAudio3ApiE 0x7ffb12d95ec0
6: ZN4rack11rtaudioInitEv 0x7ffb128f8d10
5: ZN4rack11rtaudioInitEv 0x7ffb128f8d10
4: ZN4rack11rtaudioInitEv 0x7ffb128f8d10
3: ZN4rack11rtaudioInitEv 0x7ffb128f8d10
2: ZN4rack11rtaudioInitEv 0x7ffb128f8d10
1: BaseThreadInitThunk 0x7ffb62427020
0: RtlUserThreadStart 0x7ffb64322630

There is another thread about the same issue: