Bidoo bordL: How do I change the pattern number from the CV input?

Perhaps someone could help me with this perhaps simple solution. I tried two evenings with no satisfying result. How can I automatically change the patch in bordL? P2 seems to be 1V and the next patches with 0.5V increasing values. I could do this with a second sequencer but there must be a smarter solution?
I was thinking about triggered constant values with a triggered addition but I could not find a module to trigger constants.
Many thanks in advance!

I’m not sure what you mean? Do you mean change pattern rather than patch? Because if you do then, yes, I think we would mostly use another sequencer to pick which pattern to play. For instance using piano roll would allow you to control several different sequencers (including another piano roll).

Sorry pattern! Piano roll looks not so bad but is a lot of rack space consuming. I hoped there would be some small combination of logic modules. But perhaps this makes it even worse. I will try this now and search around also for other easy to handle sequencer.
Many thanks!

To change the Pattern number from the cv input;
The first switch happens at .667v, and at each increase of .667v. You can use LFO, or sample and hold LFO’s. How did you want to control it?

Automatically. One pattern after another.

you can use nysthi:: janneker that is a time director for sequencer/switches ecc

Bark, TrimLFO might be ideal for this situation :grin: one of the reasons for development! Ideally you would want a stepped LFO to go through all patterns.


any offset parameter is a constant!

For me it seems that there is no CV output and no clock input for synchronisation.

This looks interesting but also no clock input for sync.

It is a clock and it has a sync with the reset input :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Looks good! Its the closest I want to have. External clock input would be ideal. I only have to figure out how you moved through all the pattern and not only changing between the max min values.

A clock having a clock input would defeat its purpose really. You could use a stepped LFO to move through every pattern, I used the sine selection on the output to move through all. How many patterns do you want to change automatically? You could probably chain the square min/max values to mutes sequence through them with a sine/triangle or saw.

Clocked LFO like the one from Antonio Tuzzi would be more practical for me. I could change one speed of the whole arrangement only and patterns would still change correct. Here I have to adjust all (I need more then one) the stepped LFOs. But its still the best option for me. One must be only careful with the outputs. Sinus would be nonlinear and therfor not correct in time. I hope I can try this tomorrow. What I want to have is P1 then P2 then P3…then starting with P1 again. Very simple but unfortunately relatively difficult to built.

Here is a simple patch that does that with NYSTIs 4HandsForRotNest-27022019.vcv (119.3 KB)

Thanks Yeager! This is absolutely perfect. I tried before with 4hands but didnt really understand how it works. This gives me enough channels for other sequencers too!
Edit: I must correct myself. I would still need more then one 4hands for different sequencer running at different clock division. Its too large but its now the best and easiest solution.

You could just use the fundamental SEQ3 also supplied with a clock to sync or any sequencer with a cv output and step count.

Thanks Coirt! I think this is wasted space and performance for simply switching 8? Voltages. Something like 4hands in a smaller version would be ideal. I currently use already 4 sequencer and want to use more. Additionally I would need also 4 sequencer to simply change the pattern and I dont like to scroll over the rack. Perhaps µsequencer from nysti would be an option.

so you want 1hand ? :wink:

For simply changing patterns, yes!

Rack is infinite in terms of space :wink: how would you feel about hooking it up to a midi-4 using the keyboard to select the patterns via CV out.