[BETA] RSBATechModules plugin - module remote control with TouchOSC or the Electra One MIDI Controller

Hi @steffen.fuerst - thanks very much for the kind words!

re: running the VCVRack preset on an Electra One Mk 1. I guess I am assuming that the Mk I will not be able to run the VCV Rack 2 preset. The Electra One developer has not posted much information about future firmware upgrades for the Mk 1 models - this post on the Electra One forum from November 2024 is the last one I could find. No details about which new firmware 3.7/4 features and bug fixes will be back-ported for Mk 1.

As and when the last(?) Mk 1 firmware is eventually published, I could figure out if a Mk 1 - compatible variant of the VCVRack preset could be technically created. I started the preset development on firmware 3.6.1 on my Mk 2, so maybe. But, realistically that work would have to be done and tested by someone with a Mk 1 unit. My biggest concern would be the relative performance difference between Mk 1 & Mk 2. The preset would need to be ported first, and then tested - it is possible it wouldn’t work very well - there is a lot of data being sent back and forth.