
Hi Rackerz. Today in sunday after watching Bandersnatch I have an imperssion about this film and I make this video. I continue my adventures with Entropia. This time to make a strange noises, sounds and atmospheric patch with cooperation another great modules from Audible Instruments (Plaits and Clouds) and from Blamsoft (XFX Wave and XFX F-35). Different as usual I focused on make sound first not to make a melody. At the begining it was to be a short movie but finaly I’ve made two separated video (shorter one and long) and joining them together is supposed to refer to the film I’ve seen before

Bandersnatch 2.vcv (27.0 KB)

So that’s it, thanks for watching this video, don’t forget click the ok button if you like this. Or if want see more you can subscribe my channel. See You in my next movie.