BASICally: a new module for writing code within Rack


Absent any actual information on motivations, I can imagine a few reasons:

  • This paragraph in the docs gave me pause: ā€œWhen opening a patch containing a VCV Prototype script, a security warning is displayed before it runs. Only load scripts from patch artists you trust. *Running Prototype scripts from untrusted sources may compromise your computer and personal information.ā€ Yeah, running any random schmoeā€™s code is a vast security hole. No amount of, ā€œwell, you clicked OKā€ would untarnish VCVā€™s reputation as ā€œVCV hacked my laptop!ā€
  • Similarly, I would think that fatal bugs in client code (like divide by zero) would be impossible to protect against. ā€œVCV crashes randomlyā€ is another reputation hit you donā€™t want. Admittedly, this can happen with modules too, but that code is to some extent reviewed by VCV, I believe.
  • Even less serious bugs stop Prototypeā€™s process engine, implying ā€œVCV canā€™t be used onstage, it will stop making the right sounds.ā€ While creating BASICally, I realized that halting runtime errors had to be eliminated from the language, even though it makes the language be pretty odd.
  • While I love being catered to, I suspect the audience for Prototype was, eh, not huge?

Again, this is just me speculating from afar.

Not used ā€˜prototypeā€™,but seriously,good idea module

Lua jit,VUlt,Faust,Super Collider

Iā€™m going to bet your are wrong on this. Shall we say $5?

Well, @Squinky, youā€™re far closer to the source of these decisions than I am, so Iā€™d imagine you are far more knowledgeable than I on this point. So while I love wagering on beliefs, Iā€™m not convinced this is an equal knowledge bet. I would not be at all surprised to be mistaken. Note my business card from my previous job:

Also, given that this question has been raised a few times with no answer from the Rack gods, Iā€™m also concerned that itā€™ll never be answered, so the wager would remain in limbo, unsatisfyingly.

If you have theories as to why Prototype has never been ported to 2.0, Iā€™m all ears. Alternatively, if you can get an answer as to why, that would even more interesting. I can certainly imagine other reasons myself!


oh, I got no idea - I just didnā€™t think those theories sounded plausible. Anyway, I have no ā€œinside infoā€ on this :wink:

fwiw, last time I remember having a business card I think I was ā€œpart of the magicā€ :wink:

Seriously,ā€˜Stocā€™,add ā€œfunctionā€ā€¦

Decomposing a code with functions is the minimal habit now

Easierā€¦more logic

ā€˜Referenceā€™ could also be very very nice

Iā€™have used AUTO ITā€¦Very nice dialect


The ā€˜reference manualā€™ of this 2 dialects are top notch

100% perfect syntax files.

RJtexted is a really good ā€œIDEā€?

And the Blitz3D portable compiler wrapperā€¦Written in AutoItā€¦2 ways for STD_OUT

And the source

I donā€™t want to go on specifics forum,so maybe with random,files will be shared

@ StochasticTelegraph , Is there a way to save/memorize the variables? Or are you considering an ā€œExport variables to TXTā€ feature in the context menu in version 2.2.99? :slight_smile:

Use case: letā€™s say I have a pretty CV pattern generated by BASICally and Iā€™d like to use that one again. (See example below.) Ctrl-C doesnā€™t help so currently I send the CV to another module and record it there.

' this is the pattern creation 
if in9>2 or start() then
 for i=0 to 255
end if

' calculating the next step

' sending out the first eight of the voltages

I have thought a bunch about ā€œsaving variablesā€, so itā€™s interesting to hear your confirm its utility.

Q: are you trying to save the pattern for use later in the playing of this patch, or do you want it to be available the next time you start the patch? In other words, does the data need to survive patch restarts?

Q: Is the data small (series of CV) or large (10 second audio sample)?

Q: once itā€™s saved somewhere, for some length of time, how do you want to refer to it? We typically refer to files by string names; I wouldnā€™t mind avoiding adding strings to the language, but are strings the obvious choice here? If you were, say, saving CV sequences for automatic playback later, then maybe string names arenā€™t helpful?


Naming things is incredibly important for conveying what the thing is. Especially important when you set something aside for a while and come back later. So, Iā€™d say ā€œstringsā€ (i.e. names) are important.

I remember when some implementations BASIC allowed only one or two-letter variable names, which made it much harder to understand a program.

My mother once inherited a Fortran program. It had a single variable, called ā€œaā€. ā€œaā€ was an array, and each index was used for something different. nice!


In early versions of FORTRAN you had to represent every data structure imaginable as an array, because thatā€™s all you had for structuring data. People got very creative, and many interesting efficient encoding techniques were invented to work within the limits of arrays.

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yes, but you still didnā€™t have to make a single array to hold everything :wink:

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ā€œI grew up programming in Assembly. Later they made me use a high level language (FORTRAN), but I still basically program in Assembly.ā€

ā€œI grew up programming in C. Later they made me use a higher-level language (C++), but I still basically program in C.ā€



haha, nice. Most of my commercial programming at the start was in 6502 assembly, and some 8086 assembly. But it was always a pain. Switched to C when it was practical on the PC, then C++ when Borland released it (1991). Since then Iā€™ve used languages that are basically the same, with some side excursions into JavaScript and Lua, which are quite different. ATM the project Iā€™m working on is mainly in TypeScript. That language is pretty nice - I like it. Anyway, pretty sure my code doesnā€™t look like assembly ;-). I think there must be a lot of old C++ programmers on this project - we use all the compiler options that force you to declare everything, and require semicolons. Fine with meā€¦

My point about naming is about whether or not the things being saved (which hasnā€™t quite been determined) are semantically different enough that names are useful. For example, Iā€™m certainly glad that VCV modules have names; Iā€™m glad I donā€™t have to refer to module 231 or 609. On the other hand, having to name all of your array indecies would be bad, too; volt1[ā€œoneā€] = volt1[ā€œzeroā€] isnā€™t always an improvement.

Anyhow, rather than discuss generalities, Iā€™m far more interested in use cases/examples. If you had the ability to save state in BASICally, what code would you use it with?

In my case I usually want it to be available next time I start the patch.

In my case itā€™s always something tiny.

My BASICally scripts are incredibly simple, so naming is not an issue. :slight_smile:

If the values are dumped somewhere (i.e. ā€œmyexport.txtā€) then Iā€™d probably manually reshape it to be acceptable for Voxglitch One Point. .

Or Iā€™d just create a new BASICally module with another code. In case of the original example Iā€™d create a new module with this code:

' this is the twinkle super star pattern :)
if in9>2 or start() then pos=-1 end if
volt1[0]={0.00, 0.00, 0.58, 0.58, 0.75, 0.75, 0.58, 0.42, 0.42, 0.33, 
0.33, 0.17, 0.17, 0.00, 0.58, 0.58, 0.42, 0.42, 0.33, 0.33, 
0.17, 0.58, 0.58, 0.42, 0.42, 0.33, 0.33, 0.17, 0.00, 0.58, 
0.58, 0.75, 0.58, 0.42, 0.42, 0.33, 0.33, 0.17, 0.00 } 

' calculating the next step

' sending out the first eight of the voltages
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' maybe this for a mydebug.txt?
debug.print volt1

@FiroLFO, A couple questions to drill into your specific instance a bit more:

  1. Is the action of turning a variableā€™s value into a string something that is initiated:

    1.1 programmatically, that is, some code running causes it to happen?

    1.2 by a human action (say, by selecting something in the context menu)?

    1.3 Something else?

  2. Is the best place to put the resulting text:

    2.1 the copy/paste buffer?

    2.2 Wherever the cursor in the program text is (i doubt this is a good answer)?

    2.3 Some file with a well known name?

    2.4 Some separate place in the module UI?

more ā€œstandardsā€ for stuff on the clipboard would not be a bad thing.