Aunty Langton's Musical Ant needs YOUR help!

I’m not sure exactly what you are asking. My comment about enum class is an in-between case. Enum class is a type safe way of doing enums that would avoid this issue. Enum class is a c++11 feature, but not one that rack uses. At this point it’s a style thing; rational people could go different ways on that.

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Okay, gotcha. Thanks

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Hi all! this is way left field/after the fact, but was wondering if Musical Ant ever made it to VCV 2, or if any plans to port?

I haven’t been able to find it so far, but definitely one of the most inspiring/unique modules i’ve seen out there - thx for all the amazing work on this one! m

here it is:


wowow! thanks so much - i had no idea this existed/was the same folks involved! :pray::raised_hands::ant:

Hi @matthew.d.gantt, Wow - I honestly didn’t know anyone was using the thing so super stoked to hear from you!

I did actually do a build of Musical Ant for Rack 2 a little while ago. It works mostly but a couple of cosmetic issues. Let me get my shit together and get it submitted. Might be a Xmas break project.

Again, I’m really happy to hear folks other than myself have enjoyed tinkering with it. Any music you’ve made with it online?

And @docB - I’m keen to check out your version too! :slight_smile: :slightly_smiling_face:


100x all counts - i’d been working on some projects with it, mostly driving weird physical modeling synths in Ableton via VCV midi output - i had some sketches up on my instagram stories awhile back, but will have to post some final tracks once they get a bit closer-

as an aside/not sure how much I can say on it, but i’ve heard on good authority that heavyweight composer/inspiring human David Dunn has been using the module as well - wild!

Blockquote as an aside/not sure how much I can say on it, but i’ve heard on good authority that heavyweight composer/inspiring human David Dunn has been using the module as well

Get the F out! My little module? Or do you mean cellular automata or Langton’s Ant in general?

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Actually - tbh I hadn’t heard of him… Maybe it’s a millennial thing but he has a high profile for sure :upside_down_face: :slight_smile:

I’ll be sure to familiarise myself with his work!

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yep - the Aunty Langston version of Langston Ant - seems like he’s running VCV1 still from what i can tell

Congrats @Owleyeyeye ! As foretold :slight_smile: you were technically Library module #3000 (though you have to look really close at the commit to see that, it’s there in the timestamps…)


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