Audient ID function, how to map it?

Hi Folks I’ve been using VCV Rack for quite a while now, but I wish to know if any you guys (and gals) know how to use Audient’s Id14 ID Function to tweak knobs. As default the ID function is set to scroll (and zoom if CTRL is pressed), but it sure would be fun to use to tweak knobs.


Hey, sorry to revive this thread but happened across it as I have been looking at the ID4 which has the same function.

In parallel I read through stoermelder’s documentation on Sail and on Spin: vcvrack-packone/ at v1 · stoermelder/vcvrack-packone · GitHub vcvrack-packone/ at v1 · stoermelder/vcvrack-packone · GitHub

Gave it a try and works perfectly with my mouse wheel… so I guess it’ll work with the ID function… If you see this let me know if it works as it’ll save me buying a controller as well as an interface!