Announcing: Squinkytronix modules

I have a thing about getting rid of ALL warnings in code, even the ones where I know they’re harmless, because they obscure the warnings that mean something.

There’s another useless warning in Rack/include/Engine that I’d love to see squelched. If you build for release, the preprocessor makes that assert empty, so it’s a useless empty loop

    void configBypass(int inputId, int outputId) {
            assert(inputId < (int) inputs.size());
            assert(outputId < (int) outputs.size());
            // Check that output is not yet routed
            for (BypassRoute& br : bypassRoutes) {
                    assert(br.outputId != outputId);

            BypassRoute br;
            br.inputId = inputId;
            br.outputId = outputId;
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Yeah, I’ve been meaning to file a VCV bug about that, but not that they don’t use github issues it’s a pain. I turn off asserts for my non-debug builds. Just and old habit. If you turn off asserts you get that warning. VCV maybe should put (void) br in there to prevent that spurious warning.

Just fixed your other bug. Will push in a moment. Looking more I don’t think it will cause a bug for a poly gate, but it’s clearly wrong…

LOL - I told you that code was from 1991! Actually, I don’t know if c++ had bool back then… Oh, also, that class (HarmonySong) isn’t used in the module. It’s from the old stand-alone version. And there are a small number (2) of unit tests for it :wink: But will fix in the next push. tx. Also - I did start a new thread for discussing Arpeggiator.

That is cool that we were both working together “harmoniously” in 1991.

I’m interested to see how this works out. I learn something every time I work on Meander or study what someone else is doing involving scales and harmony (and melody). I wish I had found Piston’s Harmony back in 1988 when I first started working on Meander. I spent a lot of time on weekends in my university library stacks reading about music theory, but most of it was incomprehensible to me. In the end, I figured out a lot of the common practice “rules”, but I’m taking a look at what you are doing as there is always room to improve Meander.

BTW, my original implementation of Meander was based on a “discrete event simulation” architecture. I would try to do all “scheduling” via events that fell between major musical events so I could do a lot of calculations without disruption the playing or the next musical scheduling event. One of my options was to pick the “BEST” chord with the most rules satisfied or the fewest rules broken. That all turns out to be incredibly complicated one you get outside of the heptatonic diatonic modal scales. I had something like 30 scales (with multiple roots) in Meander originally. It gets really strange regarding “What is a chord?” outside of diatonic and pentatonic scales.

Anyway, I wish you luck and I will be following along.

Yes, I certainly thought of Meander as one of the (very few?) VCV modules that “knows” things.

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Having only recently discovered the Joys of Chord Generators & Arpeggiators, I’m looking forward to checking out both of these soon. (Yes, I’ve got the downloads.)

Oh, and thank you for using an easier-to-read typeface for the names. :+1:

Hah, that not final, that the rack default ui font. But, yeah, Space Patrol font will not be part of this brand. Actually the last module or two I made as Squinky labs had a nice plain font for the title. I think maybe Roboto Thin?

I’m a big fan of Roboto.

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I’ve been using deja-vu, because that’s what rack itself uses.

Yeah, that not a bad font. I don’t have a great reason for not using it for panels. But I don’t usually,

Hmm… Too thin.

“Orbitron” Regular 400 has a nice retro ('60s - '70s?) electronics company vibe, but the kerning makes it rather difficult to read when it’s small.

“Audiowide” Regular 400 looks pretty good at any scale, for a similar retro look.

Back to “Roboto” - the Regular 400 or Medium 500 looks perfectly fine, for module names. Maybe use the Thin or Light for the brand name at the bottom?

The thin versions look fine at large point sizes for titles. What’s your problem? But I promise I won’t use any illegible fonts.

Hi Bruce,
thanks for contributing to VCV Rack again!



I dunno. Maybe it’s having 67-year-old eyeballs. They’re original equipment, BTW. :grinning:

It may make a difference if it’s black type on white or very light grey. For white type on black make them a bit thicker. (Or is that a non-trivial thing to do?) Black tends to visually bleed over onto the white.

Well, we will see. As far as I can tell the SL. Modules were all super legible. I think most modules like to use tinny fonts in weird colors. I promise I won’t do anything hard to read. And I never got a single complaint about the old stuff, other than the illegible space patrol font. Oh and the panels not being pretty.

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@john_rose I think this panel was pretty legible. notice the font.

:face_with_monocle: “Roboto . . . Light . . . 16”. Sure, that works for me.

As far as “Space Patrol” goes, I kinda’ like that one in spite of any legibility issues in small sizes. Being fairly bold didn’t hurt it.

Yeah, I like space patrol fine, but there were cases in titles where you actually couldn’t read it, which was kind of bad.

When I started making modules what was going on in my head was “these are going to be such incredibly high quality I gotta inject a little humor here to not be so serious all the time”.

Didn’t quite work out that way, but that was the “idea”.

Yes exactly! Very nice indeed!

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Although it may be hard to believe, I actually worked as a graphic designer of reports. Only for a couple of months, and a long time ago. “Back in the day” (1998) it was considered terrible design to make text that couldn’t be easily read. Most “rules” about font sizes, line lengths, visual contrast etc… were all based on being able to read it.

Now these newfangled iPhones and such seem to be re-writing the rules. ok.

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