An easier way to discover modules

Ah, I didn’t know there was work on an updated version. Are you looking for contributors?

No, it will be closed-source (just like and will be designed and developed by Grayscale and me. However, people could use your web app in the meantime.

@dburles, I’m thinking it would be useful if Poly could act as a secondary tag. For instance, I click on VCF then want to further refine the search results to Polyphonic VCFs only. As some modules transition to 1.0 with poly support and others may never, it’ll be helpful when hunting for a particular module based on tag, to know which are poly.

If you can already do this on your web app, my apologies and I’m just missing it.

That’s a great idea! I’ve just updated the app to support filtering down by selecting multiple tags. You can also now remove any active filter by clicking it again. Also, the filter state now resides in the address bar so you can go back and forward through your changes and also easily bookmark or share an exact filter selection. For example here’s a list of polyphonic VCO’s:[0]=VCO&t[1]=Polyphonic


Great update! Thanks!

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Just updated to display the index update time (in visitors local time) so that you know you’re not staring at stale package data. Will also look to automate the update process to occur each day.

Edit: Just added an install link to the official plugin index.