A licence based database of unsupported modules?

I’m thinking that doing alternate builds/rips of modules or edited selections from modules might be easy enough.

Problems all seem licence based.

  1. MIT is fine.
  2. LGPL is fine but needs its own seperate module.
  3. GPL has issues with being dynamically linked to rack.
  4. Other licences may be ok but …

A standard VCV module licence with source abandonment exception would be good.

The a “reprecated” tag: “package-module” might work in .json along with some other niceness for the end user.

I’m already doing “\n” in “description” … not yet live but SonicState did a V2 review and wanted better descriptions. I assume \n goes to a space in HTML for “printing” the library? If only auto justified text happened.

A nice right click (or auto depricated) for a list of better smooth and even some would depricate with cheers to listing.

And then the blacklist ban hammer voting along with whitelist firms. Individual yay-neigh whitelists, sitevote blacklists with tag for self whitelist adopt.

Then it’s a new user reque$t for contraversial noise or sink certain?