4ms Meta - Rackception



There’s around 30 VCV modules available in MM, which was a nice surprise as I wasn’t aware of that either.

Looks like you’re in luck with the Quantiser too…


I have ordered one and am putting some patches together so I can hit the ground running when it arrives (probably Wednesday here as we have a bank holiday on Monday).

In the absence of a manual, could I just check with you that I am not wasting my time:

  • A Meta patch, as I understand it, is made and updated with the ‘Save’ button on the Meta template?

  • A Meta patch consists in one Meta module, any modules any knobs are mapped to, and any modules patched to that Meta module?

  • Any name I give a knob will be visible on the physical module?

  • There is no way of intelligently cutting and pasting mappings and knob namings to create, for instance, multi oscillator polyphony, i.e. all the laborious naming etc has to be carried out for each module in a patch?

  • There are no samplers? (Not sure why you didn’t include the STS @4ms ?).

Awesome! Curious to know how it goes!

See upthread:


Sure, and this is based on using the module over the past few days…

  • Meta patch, as I understand it, is made and updated with the ‘Save’ button on the Meta template?

Yes, build the patch as normal and then use the red ‘Save’ button on the MM. The resulting file can be loaded into the MM and boom - there it is! Bear in mind you need to make sure any VCV plugins you are using not automatically on the module are loaded though.

  • A Meta patch consists in one Meta module, any modules any knobs are mapped to, and any modules patched to that Meta module?

Correct, although obviously the MM module from VCV doesn’t show up as that would be a bit…meta :grinning:

  • Any name I give a knob will be visible on the physical module?

You can name knob sets but the parameters are name the same as they are on VCV modules as far as I can tell.

Update: You can use ‘alias’ on VCV to rename them, nice!

  • There is no way of intelligently cutting and pasting mappings and knob namings to create, for instance, multi oscillator polyphony, i.e. all the laborious naming etc has to be carried out for each module in a patch?

You can duplicate the cable connections to the MM module, as per usual in VCV but not the knob mapping as far as I can tell. Honestly though, it takes no time at all to assign them

  • There are no samplers? (Not sure why you didn’t include the STS @4ms ?).

Looks like STS is in development from 4ms, the rest are down to the plugin developers.

Hope that helps, the MM comes with a decent manual that explains all of this.


@ invictus-hifi

Thanks for explaining the 4ms workflow. Now it starts to make sense. Really good to know the VCV quantiser is there - I use it all the time. Re. samplers Mahlen Morris has stated here that he’s considering porting some of the Stochastic Telegraph modules over which would be amazing:

Re samplers - StochasticTelegraphMahlen Morris 9d

Thank you, so would I. I haven’t quite knuckled down and figured out the process to make that happen yet.


Thank you for the info.

It’s useful that the Meta patches are discrete, as I can keep many of them in a single VCV patch.



I will certainly report back here on my experiences with it. The first module I ever bought was an ES-9, but the whole VCV over ES-9 did not work for me at all. Too much latency. I gave up trying to fight it. I still sometimes use a patch that is all scopes & analysers with it, if I need to figure out more than I can do with my Data. I will be interested to see what the latency is like with the Meta but it will certainly be far less than with the ES-9.

I’m looking forward to using Meta, stoked to use the EnOsc, Braids, Elements, Fm-Op, and polyphonically too, in my rack. The whole legendary 4ms clock suite of modules is there too. Ratcheting heaven.

I’m also particularly interested in running sequencers out of it (the knobs and buttons expanders are going to help a great deal here). One of the most basic things I look forward to using it for is the 8FO.

In many ways, I feel this module will be everything that the Disting Ex promises but makes so painful to use in practice.

Expectations are high!


:slight_smile: If you can I would encourage you to start a topic in here (“Nik’s meta diary”), where you share what works and doesn’t work, as you use the module - what you find it’s particularly good for and what we should forget about, the pitfalls you run into and the practical solutions that are good to know. Would be interesting to lots of folks I’m sure…


Good suggestion. Will do!


Yeah - the Distings are great but too fiddly for me as a creative tool. Whereas with the MM I can build something in and have it working as part of my Eurorack setup in just minutes.

Trying out external MIDI control this morning using the USB port on the MM.

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Just tested external MIDI control - and the MM even powers my Alesis MIDI keyboard! I feel like that’s a win for live use.

You can assign MIDI CC easily on the using but for MIDI pitch and gate you need to use the VCV MIDI module - but this only currently available on VCV, not on the module. MIDI CC can also be pre-assigned using the relevant VCV module.

Hopefully there will be a functional cv > midi on the 4ms at some stage - it would really enhance its utility.

Just a case of porting the VCV CV to MIDI module - may even work already but I’ve not tested it.

Update: Checked and not available yet but hopefully in the future.

Absolutely we do! Guess that’s one for the VCV guys to implement.

I put in a feature request to Support for this early this morning.


Loopop review right here


Thanks for that. The automap feature looks very cool if you just need a module on the fly.

I think you’ve done a great job @4ms at making the interface as usable as possible.

How many HP is the slider module going to be I wonder? I count one each of the existing modules and expanders at 56HP. Will it be 2 banks of 4 in 8HP? One of each in a 64HP Pod would do very nicely.

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Dan shared this in the Members Intro thread, but it is probably worth linking here too. All the info, including the current module list. In the ModWiggler thread, there is news of an imminent new firmware update with more modules coming.



Ok - first patch to share. I updated the 4 x plaits Loopop shared in his video with a few more features.

https://patchstorage.com/4ms-metamodule … v-control/

Also dropped a message to patch storage asking them to set up a specific category for MM rather than have us use the VCV one, which could get confusion due the different filetypes the hardware patches need.