2.5.2 crackling on M1 MacBook Pro

Could those of you experiencing problems with VCV Recorder report it to us at VCV Support so we can look into it?

nope, if you like skips and crackles while recording (despite recording being clean) by all means use it. The method described above is super low latency (virtually none) and CPU friendly and works perfectly, so I much prefer it. To each their own…

oh, no, that’s fine. It’s just the OP asked about VCV recorder. I have a pretty beefy windows machine, and VCV recorder doesn’t work for me.

My experience is more like what @fractalgee reports. You get “no video”? What does that mean?

Here’s a video that shows what happens when I try and use VCV Rec for screen recording. I play the patch for a few seconds normally, then stop to turn on screen recording.

yeah, so that’s the popping and cracking everyone gets. I thought you were saying you got “no video”. Oh, my mistake, you just said it doesn’t work at all. Yeah, it doesn’t.

The resultant video is also not good. It has a narrow horizontal back bar floating around on it.

Yeah, this method works pretty well, thanks for the tip. I would have thought that something like this would work less well than the built in recorder, as it involves a couple other pieces of software.